Today we’ll talk about this thing called SEO Autopilot. Now, this is not the first software designed to help with SEO campaigns and link booster. Hundreds have gone before it. In fact, anyone serious with SEO uses a variety of tools to manage campaigns simultaneously. One of the most essential SEO tools to have is a solid link building software.
First of all, it’s important to get one thing out of the way. There is no automatic one-push button to get you that highly-coveted page one ranking. Search Engine Optimization can bring a lot of excellent benefits to your business. But one thing is for sure - it takes a lot of work. However, you don’t have to brow-beat yourself with tasks that can be made easier. After all, we’re at the age of digitalization. Software and artificial intelligence have been successfully created to make our lives easier - including SEO.

In SEO, building backlinks are crucial. There is undoubtedly more to ranking than building links. However, high-quality backlinks possibly hold a defining factor when Google and search engines rank websites. This is where SEO autopilot comes in. SEO autopilot promises to be the next generation of link building software for SEO. In this article, we’ll discuss everything about SEO Autopilot and how it could benefit your link building methods.

How does SEO Autopilot work?
Basically, SEO Autopilot allows you to create realistic-looking blogs automatically. It can help you create accounts across various platforms and lets you post content to these blogs. Content can contain images and videos and can ideally create valuable authority links randomly. All of this can be done by just adding content on SEO Autopilot, and it does the rest.
Sounds simple and easy right? Currently, this is probably the most “automatic” you can get with link building. And the best part? It actually works! SEO Autopilot will help you create accounts on almost all of the high-authority websites you need to be posting to right now. These sites include Wordpress, Tumblr, Live Journal, and so much more. You no longer have to spend an excessive amount of time posting content one by one. You just need to set it up and see hundreds of links - built and tiered precisely the way you want them.
If you have come across SEO Autopilot, you’ll discover that it is often tagged with the phrase, “the best SEO software.” Is it really the best in this niche?
SEO isn’t all about building links. Although, it plays a huge role in Google’s algorithm to be ranked as number one on the search rankings.
You have to make it easy and simple. SEO is about creating the appropriate signals that will help Google and other search engines recognize your website as an authority that will place you on top of the search engine result pages (SERPs).
There is no shortcut to building links. It’s not an overnight work. This is how SEO Autopilot works.
However, there are certain functions in SEO that you can place on autopilot. When this happens, you’ll have more time to build good relationships with your audience, engage with them, converse on forums, find them on social media, and many more crucial tasks.
About SEO Autopilot:
SEO Autopilot is a link-building software that creates accounts on WordPress, Jimdo, Tumblr, Webs, and many more high-authority sites. In short, it automates your SEO tactics in order to rank on the searches.
It only uses sites that deliver your content on the first page of the search results. Moreover, it delivers 90 percent + success rates.
The software has the tagline of “SEO Autopilot is a powerful SEO software where you can rank any website in any niche on search engines.” In fact, they market their site as “SEO software developed by SEOs for SEOs.”
How does it differ from others in the niche?
SEO Autopilot stands out because of these unique features:
1.) Advanced Automation Algorithms
It automatically calculates the link and keyword diversity for search engine algorithms. The advanced automation also includes the “Scheduling Tasks” and calculates the accurate instant posting, advanced scheduler, days to run, and posts per day.
2.) It only uses high domain authority sites.
It owns a large database of quality high domain sites that can boost your site’s credibility, visibility, and authority. You can earn quality backlinks from major authority sites, get high ranking on search results, and improve your DA/PA.
3.) Local SEO Rankings.
It helps your local business rank on Google Maps Listings using Embed Map feature. You become more visible locally on SERPs. It also gives you the ability to create outstanding and multimedia-rich posts to authority sites.
4.) It protects your accounts with particular proxies.
It has the Advanced Account Protection feature and Posting Algorithm to ensure that your accounts are activated for an extended period of time. It is integrated with specific proxies in order to avoid getting banned. It protects also your accounts to have good standing online.
5.) Usage of shortcodes.
It enables you to choose the precise position of your keywords and backlinks in your articles. It has supported shortcodes for primary keywords, generic keywords, branded keywords, partial match keywords, plain URLs, Text URLs, Domain as an anchor, YouTube videos, Google Embed Maps, and Images.
6.) It offers duplicate protection algorithm offering unique links and keywords in every article.
It uses Real Duplicate Protection Algorithm (RDPA) to make sure that there are unique keywords and links in the articles. This tool protects your site from being flagged as spam by Google.
7.) Auto Link Diversity for an accurate percentage of keyword usage.
It has a large database of high quality, high domain authority sites from varied sources for the creation of a more natural link profile. When you get quality links from different sources, it can drive your link building profile.
8.) Advanced Link Matching feature.
You can match specific keywords to specific URLs.
9.) Video Ranking Feature.
It helps you rank your YouTube videos on YouTube’s internal search engine and Google SERPs using the video ranking feature.
10.) Advanced SEO Strategies.
This feature helps create a natural and quality backlink profile for you or your client. It assists you in reaching on top of the ranks on any website.
11.) It provides free premium spinner.
It comes with a free premium spinner that allows you to come up with unique articles free of charge. You can alter your old article into a new one in just a single click, giving you savings on your time and energy.
12.) Unique Settings per Group.
You can customize each link group for each tier. It helps create diverse multimedia-rich articles. You can adjust your SEO tactics quickly.
13.) White Label Reports.
Create White Label Reports with your new backlinks. You can export your created backlinks in a Tier level 1 including a landing page, DA, website used, and anchor or link type used.
14.) Account Creation to Posting in Autopilot.
It provides free premium domains for account creation and profile. You just have to create an account preset, choose the “default” profile, and the software will be the one to do the rest of the tasks, including account creation, CAPTCHA solving, email verification, blog creation, and posting of the article.
15.) You can design your own link scheme.
The software comes with built-in Diagram editor that allows you to create your own link building scheme. Predefined schemes can also be used in your campaigns.
16.) It has a professional and simple desktop-based interface.
It has the Delphi-based user interface that has professional-looking UI design that helps in accomplishing your tasks efficiently.
Benefits of SEO Autopilot
Without going into further details, SEO Autopilot simply boosts your link building campaigns in amazing ways, without you having to lift a finger. Here are some benefits you can get from using SEO autopilot for your SEO:
High-quality Backlinks
Link Diversity Sources
Latest Google ReCaptcha Support
Automatic Account Creation
Advanced SEO Strategies
Unique Settings per Group
Versatile, Flexible and DIY Link Scheme
White Label Reports
Easy-to-Use Desktop-Based Interface
Key Features of SEO Autopilot Here are only a few of the best features SEO Autopilot has to offer:
Super easy to use
White Label for users
Allows you to re-post to the same accounts
Design Your Own Link Scheme (Multi-tier link building using simple drag and drop)
Unique settings for each account group
Runs on both Windows and Mac
High-Quality and High Domain Platforms
Video Ranking Feature for sites like Youtube
Great support team
Regular system updates
campaign settings
By going thru the settings tab you will see general, submission, proxies, 3rd party API's and title generator.
On the general tab you can see SEO pilot main window, either check or uncheck the show toolbar, show status bar, show log. On the campaign window you can check or uncheck show DA on site list. Diagram editor let you show numbers on group names and also you can clear error log.

On the submission tab you can set your email verification delay by ( Seconds), email retry (after fail) delay ( seconds ) and HTML timeout ( seconds ):

You can check the small box "use proxies" and then add your proxies list by entering this format "server:port" or "server:port:username:password"
Check example:
server:port -
server:port:username:password -
You can add as many proxies as you can, but be sure to check the test proxies and click on save.

3rd Party API's
In the first tab you will see captcha integrations. There are 5 captcha services that they only integrate for now and these are:
Image Typerz
RIP captcha
Anti- captcha
Just tick the box for the captcha you're integrating and input your API key.

On the second tab, it's about spinner integration. There are 4 services that they only accept for now.
1.) Spin rewriter
2.) Word AI
3.) Spinner Chief
You'll just have to check the box that you're activating and input some details to follow like email, API key or password.

Content Source
For now, they only accept article forge as an API key to generate content.

They 7 Indexer to choose from and these are:
1.) Colinki
2.) Speeds links
3.) Lindexed
4.) Index inject
5.) Indexification
6.) Instant link indexer
7.) Express Indexer

Just add the API key and you're all good to go.
Title Generator
They have title generator template ready, but if you want to create your own title, then you can input in there with spin format. Anyway, you can reset the template to default if you want to change.

campaign strategy diagram
The best thing when using SEO auto pilot is their campaign diagram which you can choose a different template according to your campaign or if you want, you can design your own campaign diagram which is cool. It's a drag and drop customize diagram and you can choose any platform you want to point to your moneysite. You can build a powerful tiered network in here.

If you don't want to create your own campaign, there are some powerful ready made template that you can choose from and these are one of my favorite:
This one is of my favorite campaign when building a stacking to my tier 1 links It's a pure contextual and high DA linking to each other with the effect of increasing sites domain authority power.

PBN creator
Used this template if you want to build up a powerful web 2.0 PBN network. When you see it, it has a different string pointing to each of the tier 1 web 2.0. Those are the wing links that will increases the power of your web network in the fastest way. Check out our blog about on how to power up PBN network.

Premium Hercules
It's a very powerful diagram, it's a demi-god of link building and it's recommended to use this diagram once per month and it has to drip days run for 25 days max.
The diagram uses the power of Web 2.0, authority, Links, EDU, PDF upload, Social Bookmarking, Forum profiles and URL.
For me, it's a good strategy if you're building up your PBN network. Not good direct to moneysite.

Video Ranking
Video ranking is a campaign which will boost up your video focus in Youtube. It's a good campaign and you can see some results going on.

So, there you have it. I already list all my top 5 campaign template for SEO auto pilot.
Takeaway As you know, when it comes to SEO, content is king. And when we're talking about content, it’s not just the run-of-the-mill, unreadable content either. For SEO Autopilot to work or any other SEO tools to work, you need to create a content management strategy that produces high-quality, unique content. Your tools can only help you so much. At the end of the day, Google is hungry to give its users the most relevant answers. If you can provide that, you’ll get rewarded highly. If not, then you can kiss your dreams of that page one ranking goodbye.
There are so many things to consider if you want to rank high in Google search engine searches. Links are one of the major ranking factors of the algorithm which makes you hit number 1 or not. SEO is about building the right signals that will help Google and other search engines know that your site has high authority so that you can get the page ranking you deserve. What a great help if you can put some elements of building great SEO on autopilot. SEO autopilot can be the answer to your SEO tasks. The software creates accounts and posts images and videos on these accounts, therefore, creating realistic looking blogs on 100% autopilot. All you need to do is add the content you want to share, and SEO autopilot does the rest of the work for you. This is an automated link building software that many thought died in 2009. Link building for SEO is back with a vengeance and is better than ever. The good news about all of this is the software WORKS. The SEO autopilot software creates accounts on 99% of the sites like WordPress, webs, Tumblr, and jimdo plus all other high authority sites that you want to post to. You don't need to spend time doing all this, you just set up the software and go to bed. You can expect to wake up to hundreds of links that are tiered and built the way you want them. You can use your leading articles with the Spin Rewriter so that you will have unlimited content for all your SEO Autopilot campaigns. Expect to have articles without the crappy and garbled pieces that can barely pass for English. Get high-quality content from your leading articles with SEO Autopilot. They offer new users a free trial, so you can experience their easy to use interface. SEO Autopilot is a cut above the rest due to the following reasons: - They use ten types of keywords for maximum diversity. - They don't use trash websites, only high domain authority sites. - Auto Link booster Diversity feature using a fixed percentage of keywords usage. - Duplicate protection algorithm that ensures unique keywords and links with each article. - Features Advanced Link Matching - Avoid bans by using accounts with specific proxies. - You get high-quality backlinks for you or your client - Create or manage High DA Web for PBN with a push of a button - Free Premium Indexer for instant backlink indexing - Youtube video ranking using a video ranking feature - Get high local SEO ranking with their Embed Map feature Many customers say that this is the most powerful SEO software in the market today. It is 100% Google safe, it has advanced algorithms that leaves no footprints on Google. It has an interface that is simple to use and understand by anyone which is a plus for a powerful software which is usually complicated. You can start your first campaign by pressing Start as SEO Autopilot software ranks your website. You can also index your new backlinks to get higher rankings. For 2018, SEO AP has added 3 new features. They now have an Article Builder with a database of 100k articles in 16 Major categories and 179 subcategories. You now have the ability to fetch relevant articles and place them on your Link Groups. You can also start importing articles from your PC with a click of a button. They also added a feature that customers were clamoring for which allows selection of fields that you want to copy to All Groups. If you are satisfied with their Free trial you can start paying $1 for 7 days then $99 a month. SEO AP also has an affiliate program where you can get up to 30% in referral commission for each license purchase of an SEO Autopilot Plan that you refer.
How much does the plan costs?
SEO Autopilot offers a unique package that starts with $7 for 7 days. If you plan to continue, you can get the monthly plan of $99. If you want a lifetime plan, just pay $1897.
Take a look at the plan below:
$99/ month $1, 897 for lifetime
2 PC activations 2 PC activations
SEO Autopilot Indexer SEO Autopilot Indexer
White Label Reporting White Label Reporting
Web 2.0 blogs Web 2.0 blogs
Social Bookmarkings Tier 2+ Social Bookmarkings Tier 2+
URL Shorteners URL Shorteners
Authority Links Authority Links
Edu websites Edu websites
PDF Upload websites PDF Upload Websites
Wiki websites Wiki websites
Forum profiles Forum profiles
Social Bookmarkings Social Bookmarkings
Web 2.0 Profiles Web 2.0 Profiles
If you want to try this link building software, you must have a comparison and insights on how well it works. Here is the feedback based on review sites:
Big Raja
According to this review site, SEO Autopilot is the newest software in the market for link building. It is created by SEO for SEO.
The review site enumerated the following key features of SEO Autopilot:
Design your own link scheme (Multi-Tiered Link Building With simple drag and drop diagrams)
Huge Link Diversity Sources
Simple & professional desktop-based interface
Auto account creation
Unique settings in each group
Runs on Windows PC and Mac
Advanced SEO Strategies included your websites from over optimization with off page anchors
Advanced Diagram Editor to create more tiers based on your keyword difficulty requirements
High Quality, High Domain Authority Platforms
Premium Indexer Included
Video Ranking Feature to rank YouTube videos on autopilot.
You can reuse created accounts whenever you need them.
There are 5 reviews on the site that gave the software a rate of 5/ 5.
“Awesome software and great support! I've been working with these guys to get some advanced Catch-All email config settings that the Big guys use and they have been absolutely wonderful.”
-Austin Patchen
“A magnificent software tool which creates backlinks on the most powerful web2.0 properties on the web with remarkable ease and amazing success. It's constantly being updated, unlike anything I have used before by a team of SEO specialists who provide excellent support and are truly committed to its long term success. Great work!”
-Daniel Calleja
“Its true! Seo Autopilot definitely is the best seo software! My success rate is 100% for high authority websites! Thanks guys for your awesome software!”
- Alexandra Macoura
“The support is really great! They were super helpful and took control of my computer and provided the type of support that I wish other software companies provided! Great job on a great product and for offering great support!!!”
- Ray Briant
“I can't even believe what this software can do. In only a few days during the free trial, I have been able to make sure a new site I just made live got indexed and already showing up on search for keywords. With link building I no longer have to source anything out but can scale it within my agency in house. I cannot wait to utilize all the features and see what comes out on each update!”
-Kevin Young
The review site gave positive feedback about SEO Autopilot. It claimed that it works and it is a great tool.
SEO Autopilot gives a 100 percent success rate on its major functions such as account creation and posting. It posts to major sites on the web.
The software posts to these popular sites:
The review was titled “A quick review of the Best Link Building Software of 2017.” The common problem with link building tools is the success rates and posting. However, the software runs a success rate of 96 to 98 from the start to actual posting.
The review site even compared SEO Autopilot to SENuke. The latter hasn’t recorded that success rates like what the former is showing.
It has system diagrams to organize all the tiers and submissions in a format. The author added that he was getting results using the software and set up campaigns that are built on tiered and themed web 2.
It gives regular updates so the platform keeps improving continuously. They are indexing links in a rate of 80 to 90 percent consistently.
Press Advantage
Just like other review sites, Press Advantage gave the software positive reviews. It does the work easily and quickly that can save 100 hours of legwork. It is easy to use that even those new to online marketing can use it with ease and success.
The desktop-based interface is easy to understand and clean. It doesn’t miss any tutorial or guide because it offers a help manual and support for those needing their assistance.
The software provides quality results instead of quantity although it is based on advanced algorithms. It places ranking of sites on autopilot. The user just has to press the “start” button and the software is going to take care of the rest.
The software does all the work including creating accounts, emails, blogs, and postings. It can also add in present accounts. You can also create link schemes with its templates so it avoids you of errors.
It generates detailed white label reports to give insights on how the site is performing and the reason for the results. The report provides the business owner a background on the performance of the campaigns.
The software offers free indexer. It also offers another bonus of email subscription to SEO strategies and tips.
The pricing of SEO Autopilot is very tempting because, under $100, you can get the inclusion of two PC activations, SEO Autopilot indexer, White label reporting, web 2.0 blogs, social bookmarking Tier 2+, URL shorteners, authority links, edu websites, PDF upload websites, Wiki websites, forum profiles, social bookmarking Tier 1, and web 2.0 profiles.
Second Online Income
The review site has been using the software since 2017. It highlighted its diverse link building sources including profile links, web 2.0’s, social bookmarks, edu links, URL shortener links, PDF upload website links, and wiki website links.
The process is effective because it offers link diversity which is a very important element in off-page SEO. The SEO AP Indexer builds and indexes links. About 70 to 80 percent of the links were indexed at the right schedule.
Another important feature is the third-party’s indexers. It supports speed links and Indexinject.
The Frequent Diagram Updates are updated frequently. The Free Premium Spinner that lets a new version of the article comes out when a link is created.
A unique feature of the software is you can reuse its created accounts. You can't find this offer in other software. Using created accounts can help you acquire high-quality links.
One great advantage of using the software is that it is 100 percent Penguin safe. You wouldn’t worry that would be spammed after using it.
One important thing when looking for software is not only the functions and pricing but customer support. The software’s customer support team manages every inquiry of their clients. Questions are answered promptly.
In general, the review site recommends the software for professional SEOs. It added that it wouldn’t disappoint its users.
Based on review sites, SEO Autopilot works well and must be part of your marketing campaigns. It exceeds the user’s expectations. Compared to other software options, it is one of the best in the market today that delivers great results.
SEO Autopilot stands out as an advanced, user-friendly tool designed to automate and enhance various SEO tasks. With features like sophisticated link building, PBN posting, video ranking, and local SEO improvements, it caters to diverse SEO needs. Its compliance with Google's guidelines, combined with a focus on high-quality backlink generation, makes it a reliable choice for improving search engine rankings. Suitable for both beginners and experienced professionals, SEO Autopilot simplifies complex SEO strategies, making it an efficient tool in the digital marketing arsenal.