MozCon 2019 is happening on July 15 to 17, 2019 at Washington State Convention Center (WSCC), Seattle, Washington. It will be attended by more than 1, 300 delegates, industry experts, and practitioners who are going to talk about SEO, mobile landscape, analytics, content marketing, growth marketing, and other topics.
The SEO conference is organized by the executives of Moz, formerly SEOmoz. The group is bringing future-thinking content coming from industry leaders from SEO, conversion optimization, local search, mobile, and more.

According to the SEO heads of the event, they are focused on more actionable tactics.
Tickets are priced at $799 for Moz subscribers (early bird) and $1, 299 for general admission. Moz Pro subscribers and groups can avail discounts in as much as $500.
The SEO and marketing conference is scheduled at the 3rd level of The Conference Center at Washington State Convention Center
The agenda of the 3-day event are as follows:
July 14, 2019 (Sunday): Advance registration.
Day 1: July 15, 2019 (Monday)
7:30 AM - 9:00 AM: Registration and breakfast
9:00 AM - 9:20 AM: Welcome to MozCon 2019, Sarah Bird
9:20 AM - 10:00 AM: Web Search 2019: The Essential Data Marketers, Rand Fishkin
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM: Human > Machine > Human: Understanding Human-Readable Quality Signals and Their Machine-Readable Equivalents, Ruth Burr Reedy
10:35 AM - 11:15 AM: Morning Networking Break
11:15 AM - 11:45 AM: Improved Reporting & Analytics Within Google Tools, Dana
11:45 AM - 12:15 PM: Local SERP Analytics: The Challenges and Opportunities, Rob Bucci
12:20 PM - 1:50 PM: Lunch
1:50 PM - 2:20 PM: Keywords Aren't Enough: How to Uncover Content Ideas Worth Chasing, Ross Simmonds
2:20 PM - 2:50 PM: How to Supercharge Link Building with a Digital PR Newsroom, Shannon McGuirk
2:55 PM - 3:35 PM: Afternoon Networking Break
3:35 PM - 4:05 PM: From Zero to Local Ranking Hero, Darren Shaw
4:05 PM - 4:45 PM: Esse Quam Videri: When Faking it is Harder than Making It, Russ Jones
7:00 PM - 10:00 PM: MozCon Opening Reception
Day 2: July 16, 2019 (Tuesday)
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM: Breakfast
9:30 AM - 10:00 AM: Building a Discoverability Powerhouse: Lessons From Merging an Organic, Paid, & Content Practice, Heather Physioc
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM: Brand Is King: How to Rule in the New Era of Local Search, Mary Bowling
10:35 AM - 11:15 AM: Morning Networking Break
11:15 AM - 11:45 AM: Making Memories: Creating Content People Remember,
Casie Gillette
11:45 AM - 12:25 PM: 20 Years in Search & I Don't Trust My Gut or Google,
Wil Reynolds
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM: Lunch
2:00 PM - 2:15 PM: What Voice Means for Search Marketers: Top Findings from the 2019 Report, Christi Olson
2:50 PM - 3:30 PM: Afternoon Networking Break
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM: Redefining Technical SEO
Paul Shapiro
4:00 PM - 4:40 PM: How Many Words Is a Question Worth?
Dr. Pete Meyers
Day 3: July 17, 2019 (Wednesday)
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM: Breakfast
9:30 AM - 10:10 AM: Fraggles, Mobile-First Indexing, & the SERP of the Future, Cindy Krum
10:10 AM - 10:40 AM: Killer Ecommerce CRO and UX Wins Using A SEO Crawler, Luke Carthy
10:45 AM - 11:25 AM: Morning Networking Break
11:25 AM - 11:55 AM: Content, Rankings, and Lead Generation: A Breakdown of the 1% Content Strategy, Andy Crestodina
11:55 AM - 12:25 PM: Running Your Own SEO Tests: Why It Matters & How to Do It Right, Rob Ousbey
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM: Lunch
2:00 PM - 2:15 PM: Dark Helmet's Guide to Local Domination with Google Posts and Q&A, Greg Gifford
2:15 PM - 2:30 PM: How to Audit for Inclusive Content, Emily Triplett Lentz
2:30 PM - 2:45 PM: Image & Visual Search Optimization Opportunities, Joelle Irvine
2:50 PM - 3:30 PM: Afternoon Networking Break
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM: Factors that Affect the Local Algorithm that Don't Impact Organic, Joy Hawkins
4:00 PM - 4:40 PM: Featured Snippets: Essentials to Know & How to Target,
Britney Muller
7:00 PM - 10:00 PM: MozCon Bash
The line up of speakers include:
Andy Crestodina
Areej AbuAli
Britney Muller
Casie Gillette
Christi Olson
Cindi Krum
Dana DiTomaso
Darren Shaw
Dr. Marie Haynes
Dr. Pete Meyers
Emily Triplett Lentz
Greg Gifford
Heather Physioc
Joelle Irvine
Joy Hawkins
Luke Carthy
Mary Bowling
Paul Shapiro
Rand Fishkin
Rob Bucci
Rob Ousbey
Ross Simmonds
Russ Jones
Ruth Burr Reedy
Sarah Bird
Shannon McGuirk
Wil Reynolds
Attending a conference in your niche provides a lot of benefits. If your company isn’t attending the yearly event yet, check out why you shouldn’t miss this big event:
The competition among the industries is getting tighter and tighter. What was like eating a piece of cake becomes like you are grasping at straws. Companies that know how to adjust and change their tactics are the only one that can get on top of the market.
This is what MozCon is going to do. They help businesses to get on top of the competition and lead the pack by bringing you the best of industry leaders and experts in the niche.
Moz knows that all of you are working hard to sustain and get ahead of the curve. The 3-day event acts as an ice breaker to meet new friends and experts in the industry.
It’s a time to socialize and build a larger network. The event is compact with exciting networking activities like the Birds of a Feather lunch where you can meet like-minded people.
The organizers have worked with top-notch industry experts to talk about the latest and most effective strategies in the business. The experts are delivering the latest and effective topics and insights that would help different companies get on top of the market.
High-quality videos
After the 3-day conference, you can share every presentation to your team. Moz is sending video presentations to the attendees. This is your chance to share what you have witnessed at the event to your team members even they didn’t attend it.
The SEO experts and organizer are giving advanced tactics from how to rank high on the search engine result pages (SERPs) to how to make data-driven decisions for your business.
Moz Support Group
The organizer has a support group on Facebook that allows members to get exchange insights and perspectives, advice, answer SEO questions, or even post jobs. It is a great platform that connects people who share the same passion even after the event.
Who You Will Meet at the Conference?
You’ll be meeting great personalities at the event who can help shape your business.
SEO professionals and experts
Local SEO and SEO practitioners will be attending the event. You can exchange ideas and perspectives or issue that you are experiencing in your business. It’s a great time to get new views and learn from them too.
Content marketers
“Content is King.” Content makes the internet go round. Without it, there’s nothing to optimize on the search engines.
This is your chance to meet them in person and exchange perspectives on what’s the latest. It’s also an opportunity to get their insights.
Companies hire SEO companies and marketing agencies to work with when they need that extra help for their business. This is an opportunity to meet clients to convince that they need your business, and for you to meet prospects.
All marketers can benefit from the event. It is not only talking about SEO and marketing but also branding, email marketing, information architecture, user experience, and more. It is designed to help you with many aspects of your business.
Marketing experts
There will be plenty of them in the event. Some of them will be taking the stage to offer their knowledge and insights on different topics.
Others will be your seatmate. It’s your opportunity to meet and build a connection.
What are the real benefits of attending MozCon 2019 according to real attendees:
People who have attended the event said that the event has helped them a lot. They learned different things, get updated with the trends, and grown their network.
It is an opportunity to go the extra mile for your customers
One attendee praised WordStream Founder Larry Kim, a frequent public speaker, who gave a presentation at MozCon 2018. His advice? Forget the goal that you want to reach the #1 spot on SERPS, but focus your energy on how you can enhance the happiness of your customers.
Content that only focuses on optimization in order to rank isn’t going to win.
Always aim to offer content that is valuable for the readers and optimized for search engines. You’ll automatically get on top of the SERPs.
It is an opportunity to progress your brand
Do not limit your capacity based on your job description. Most employees are expected to do their jobs well based on their positions.
However, if you want your business to grow, you must not limit your knowledge and skills. You must experiment and see how your brand can progress.
If you’re a business owner, encourage and inspire your employees to do the same. How can you inspire them to try new things outside their job description?
Always be a good leader. If they see that you are doing the same they will follow. Teach them to learn and recreate.
Send your employees to the event to see how they can progress. Little by little, they can apply what they have learned and do things outside their job.
Personalize your marketing
At MozCon, you’ll learn techniques on how you can personalize your marketing. Identify your target audience and study their demographics or common behaviors.
The one-size-fits-all practice is no longer acceptable. Why not personalize a landing page for your audience?
Target their needs. It can land to a boost in your conversion rates.
Build a community that targets people’s issues, opinions, and experiences.
A lot of businesses built communities but failed. Why? Because they were too busy building communities for themselves.
They forget to target people. When you build a community, target the problems they have, offer solutions. Pinpoint their opinions, ask something that will grow discussions. Ask their experiences, let them share it.
At MozCon, you’ll learn how you build communities that work. It’s because they have topics rich in information that is designed to help your business and grow your network.
MozCon happens each year. It all started in 2011.
Since then, the attendance has grown 152 percent. In fact, it is tagged as the "the best conference a marketer can attend."
It is a quality conference that began as a SEO training seminar. From its roots, it has expanded the topics it discusses as well as the speakers invited in the event.
MozCon is more about “who’s who” in the digital marketing industry and the burgeoning companies. It is always focused on building connection among attendees and sharing ideas.
MozCon’s goal is to become inclusive. They keep it affordable as possible while ensuring value to the attendees.
It has been in the industry for 8 years. Up to this day, it remained affordable even to freelancers and employees.
Danielle Launders, Community Events Manager for MozCon claimed that the event is committed to giving affordable registration prices while giving value to the clients.
To do this, they need to hit these goals:
They develop a year-long tactic to sell registrations and tickets.
They track tickets in real-time and conduct marketing campaigns.
They make registration and check-in as easy as possible.
The organizer makes it a point to make each talk actionable. It has expanded its topics and product selection.
Moreover, it has a balance of old and new speakers in the niche. It also has returning speakers who talk about the latest, issues and other topics in digital marketing.