You might want to sell or purchase a backlink for your site for different reasons. Without being informed, you could sell your link for less. Or if you are on the receiving end, you could buy a link for more than it is worth. You can never know the value of a URL by looking at it. Rather, you require metrics that can give you an approximate value for the URL.
A backlink price checker is that tool you need for this job. Therefore, this article will briefly outline how a backlink price checker works and some pros and cons of working with a link price checker. Finally, we will review four top link price calculators you can try out.
How Does A Link Value Checker Work?

Most link price meters are easy to use. You can get the value of your link from these algorithms within seconds in not more than these three steps;
Copy the link you would like to cost.
Visit the calculator software page and paste the link in the provided space.
Click on the option to calculate the value of that link. This option might be titled “submit” in some cases.
That is all you have to do before the resulting value of the URL that you provided comes up. Some calculators allow you to paste more than one link per query in its algorithm.
Pros and Cons
You can get an estimated value of the link. This way, you can avoid being over-charged by those selling.
Using this tool, you can monitor the value of your site without the intent to sell it.
With the aid of a backlink price checker, you can monitor the efficiency of your SEO strategies like paid ads.
Some sites that offer this service are non-functional. In other words, they do not reflect the true value of the link you paste into the algorithm. For example, you could put different links into the algorithm and get results showing the same value for all.
Top 4 Link Price calculators

The unique algorithm behind this tool measures the value of your link with reasonable criteria. It determines how much the site is worth based on factors like its rank, age, and related links. This free tool gives a detailed breakdown of the average daily views, page visits, and ad revenue of the site in question. It calculates these costs in daily, monthly, and yearly categories.

With this link/domain value calculator you can work with 100 URLs at a go. However, it only gives an approximate price without the extra details that come with the SST link price checker. The monthly value of the link displayed is derived from the age, popularity, ranking, content, and reputation of that URL.

This backlink price checker is entirely similar to the SST algorithm. Results are given in a daily, monthly, and yearly breakdown. You do not need to complete a Captcha verification before you can access results using this tool.

This free price meter can evaluate 100 URLs at once. You can copy various links and paste them into its algorithm. However, you must ensure that each link is sorted into different paragraphs. The site has its reCAPTCHA in the form of image verification. Once you write what you see in the image into the available space, click the submit option. There is no thorough breakdown for the link value, but you get the approximate monthly value of the link.
Bottom Line
You do not have to be one among individuals who do not know the value of a URL they intend to sell or purchase. Using a link price checker, you can get a good idea of how much the link in question is worth. Then, you will know what links to invest in and what link would bring you revenue.
Considering that the popularity and strength of a link determine how it will boost your ranks, you would not want to pay for any link that has no feasible value. For the authority, relevance, and traffic that you need to get a good ranking on search engines, you need relevant links. In addition, once your site popularity has grown, using a backlink price checker will ensure that you do not undercharge people for your site backlinks.